Wondering how much money you can make as a Locksmith?
The average Salary of a Locksmith service provider is usually around 3500$ Monthly, you could also make more money if you invest in opening a shop, The salary depends on the sales that you make, but your prices should always be similar to other companies, When you want to become a Locksmith there are few things you need to know training takes few months, Also very important to know Some states require licensed so that’s the first thing you should be checking, after that you need to get insurance for your company and invest money in tools, If your just starting out you can start with unlocking houses and cars the tools are not too expensive your probably looking under 500$,
When you want to because an expert in the Locksmith industry you will need to invest big amounts of money for key cutting machines & programming machines that cost very expensive, If you want to have all the tools your probably looking around 10,000$ for the tools & machines, but when you invest that you will be able to handle much more jobs and make more money.